Scarlet Macaw baby pair

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Scarlet macaw is a “sassy” bird, filled with energy and personality. It’s highly intelligent, as well as a capable escape artist.Their appearance makes them hard to resist as pets, but they can prove to be a handful for first-time pet owners. In the hands of an experienced pet bird owner, they can be a friendly and social bird.


Scarlet macaw are large birds and accordingly, will need large cages to live in. Dimensions should be 3’x3’x6’. You should consider it in a sound-proofed room if you reside in an apartment or have neighbors around. Put in a perch and branches that bird can chew. There should be toys for your pet’s enrichment as well. As an alternative to a cage, if you have space, you might consider getting an outdoor aviary.

Scarlet macaw can reach 32 inches in length and 2.2 pounds of weight.
Scarlet macaw has white face and brightly-colored, yellow, red, green and blue body. Intense coloration of the body provides camouflage in the jungle (body perfectly blends with leaves, shadows and fruit).
Scarlet macaw has downward-curved bill, light-yellow eyes, black-colored legs and feet and long, pointed tail.
Scarlet macaw has flexible feet that are used for manipulation of food, branches and other items used as tools. Left foot is used for feeding and handling of different items, while right foot ensures stability of the body.
Scarlet macaw has extremely powerful bill that is used for breaking the hard shell of nuts and to facilitate climbing.
Scarlet macaw is active during the day (diurnal bird).
Scarlet macaw mostly consumes nuts, seed, fruit, flowers and leaves. Insects and snails are occasionally on the menu.
Scarlet macaw produces different types of screams and low-pitched noise for communication and to inform other birds about the nearby predators.
Natural enemies of scarlet macaws are monkeys, jaguars, hawks, eagles and snakes.
Scarlet macaw lives in pairs or on its own. Group of scarlet macaws can be occasionally seen in the areas rich in clay (which facilitates digestion of food).
Mating season of scarlet macaws takes place from October to April.
Males produce loud calls to attract females during the mating season. Scarlet macaws are monogamous birds. Formed couples last for a lifetime.
Scarlet macaws nest in the cavities of deciduous trees. Female lays 2 to 4 eggs that hatch after 24 to 25 days. Chicks are naked and blind at birth. They fledge 3 months after hatching. Both parents take care of their offspring until they reach the age of 15 months and become ready for the independent life. Young scarlet macaws reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 4 years.
Scarlet macaw is very popular as a house pet because of its intelligence and ability to quickly learn to speak (repeat the words and sounds), perform tricks and distinguish colors and shapes.
Scarlet macaw can survive 40 to 50 years in the wild and up to 80 years in the captivity.


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